Lactation Suppression Protocols

What is a Lactation Suppression Protocol?

Each protocol provides an in-depth analysis of a lactation suppression method (or myth) in an easily digestible one page document. Below you will find digital downloads of protocols for purchase.


  • You may provide printed copies of these protocols to clients, families you work with, or to breastfeeding class attendees

  • You may provide digital copies of these protocols ONLY on a one-on-one basis to clients/patients/families. You are not allowed to upload these digital protocols anywhere on the internet (ex: your website for distribution, your social media, your blog or vlog etc.) [Sharing this website to point people where they can purchase protocols is okay and appreciated]

  • No part of the protocols can be altered in anyway.

  • You cannot sell these protocols.

  • Intellectual property and copyright apply

  • All protocol purchases are nonrefundable.

Want to see examples of protocols? Lactation & Lit. offers a select few free protocols found here.


Lactation Suppression Protocols